Monday, May 26, 2014

Season 13 Week 19 Finale Recap

I missed pretty much the entire season, although I caught a number of performances. But here is a Season 13 Week 19 Finale recap from Michael Slezak and Melinda Doolittle:

Idol Tuesday 6.76 mil, Wednesday 10.14 mil.
The Voice Monday 11.70 mil, Tuesday 7.52/11.69 mil.
Dancing Tuesday 11.64 mil.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Siobhan's Movie Credit

Siobhan Magnus gets a "Title Song By" credit on the Daniel Baldwin film "The Wisdom To Know The Difference:"

Monday, May 19, 2014

Season 13 Week 18 Recap

I'm still missing the season, but here is a Season 13 Week 18 recap from Michael Slezak and Melinda Doolittle:

Idol Wednesday 8.93 mil, Thursday 8.56 mil.
The Voice Monday 11.12 mil, Tuesday 10.96 mil.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Siobhan and John Stevens Swing

Here are snippets of Siobhan Magnus and John Stevens (Season 3) performing with The Beantown Swing Orchestra for a "Mad Men" themed gala at the Back Bay Sheraton in Boston, MA on April 12, 2014:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Season 13 Week 17 Recap

I'm still missing the season, but here is a Season 13 Week 17 recap from Michael Slezak and Melinda Doolittle:

Idol Wednesday 7.97 mil, Thursday 7.18 mil.
The Voice Monday 11.00 mil, Tuesday 10.72 mil.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Season 13 Week 16 Recap

I'm still missing the season, but here is a Season 13 Week 16 recap from Michael Slezak and Melinda Doolittle:

Idol Wednesday 8.79 mil, Thursday 7.03 mil.
The Voice Monday 11.58 mil, Tuesday 11.18 mil.

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